Parking for Woodruff Arts Center events is conveniently located in The Woodruff Arts Center parking garage located on Arts Center Way. Drop-off and pick up is available on Callaway Plaza via Peachtree Street and on 16th Street. The Woodruff can be easily accessed by public transportation at the Arts Center MARTA station (N5), across Arts Center Way from The Woodruff.
Additional parking options for evenings, weekends, and other peak visiting times are available at the Promenade parking garage, located on 15th Street, and the Boys & Girls Club, located on Peachtree Street across from the Woodruff Arts Center.
For GPS purposes, use 1280 Peachtree Street NE. If parking in the Woodruff Arts Center Parking, you will pull a ticket when you enter and pay when you leave.
**Please note: Parking is strictly prohibited on the streets surrounding the Arts Center (including 15th Street) and in the Ansley Park neighborhood. Violators will be towed.
Parking can be purchased in advance online and is also available for purchase upon arrival to the 1280 Garage. Purchasing your parking in advance guarantees your space in our deck, which often sells out on popular nights.
You can also purchase your parking for Alliance Theatre events with ParkMobile!
EV Charging
The Woodruff Arts Center is proud to offer EnviroSpark Electric Vehicle Chargers for use by both visitors and employees. To use, simply scan the QR code on the charger, plug in, and follow the simple prompts in the EnviroSpark web app to begin charging. For more information you can watch this short video.
Patrons utilizing Uber or Lyft rideshare services may be dropped off or picked up at the rideshare sign located by the entrance to Calloway Plaza. The address is 1280 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309. Patrons may also be dropped off on Arts Center Way near the parking garage entrance across from the Arts Center MARTA station.
Public Transportation
The Arts Center can be easily accessed by public transportation at the Arts Center MARTA station (N5), across from the Woodruff Arts Center on Arts Center Way.
For Bus Drivers
To Drop Off Students
Go just beyond the light at 15th Street and turn left into the Arts Center driveway (just beyond the large Arts Center marquee). The students can be dropped off in front of the door into the Lobby on the right side of the driveway.
To Park Buses
After dropping off the students, take your parking instructions from the security guards. Bus parking is on 15th Street, 16th Street, Arts Center Way or West Peachtree Street. There is no longer bus parking on Peachtree Street. Buses should not park on yellow curbs or block crosswalks. The security guards will be happy to assist you if needed.