Voice Over, grades 6-12
1 session available
Middle & High School

Taught By

Alliance Theatre

Voice Over, grades 6-12

Middle & High School


Discover the exciting world of voice over! Learn the basics of voice acting and explore how to use your voice to bring characters and stories to life. You'll learn fundamental voice over techniques and how to interpret scripts while getting hands-on experience recording a short piece and receiving personalized feedback from an experienced voice over professional. This class is the perfect way to begin your voice over journey and discover the power of your own voice!

Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: A previous acting class or drama camp is recommended
Duration: 2 hours, 6 weeks 
Tuition: $250
Capacity: Maximum of 12 students

Alliance Theatre

The Alliance Theatre is the lead producing theatre in the Southeast, creating the powerful experience of shared theatre for diverse people on two stages. We value excellence, pursued with integrity and creativity, and achieved through collaboration. We deliver powerful programming that challenges adult and youth audiences to think critically and care deeply.
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