Executive Presence

Authenticity Over Charisma

Acting requires making choices that help the character achieve their goals in a scene. This same approach can be applied to improve how one is perceived at work. By using the actor’s toolbox as a guide, greater self-confidence can be projected, greater control can be displayed in unpredictable situations, tough decisions can be explained with greater ease, and one can hold their own when working with other members of the executive team.


This session helps professionals initiate interest, hold attention, and gain agreement, coaching them on the following:

  • Projecting confidence – Use vocal and physical techniques to bolster perceived leadership capability on high-stakes stages.
  • Holding composure – Maintain presence of mind and display control in unpredictable situations.
  • Demonstrating Agility – Demonstrate situational awareness and quick-thinking response reflexes in unpredictable interactions.
  • Managing Triggers – Analyze stress thought patterns to limit self-doubt paralysis.



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