Teams in Flow

Building Connected Teams Through Shared Purpose

New hires often miss valuable opportunities to interact with organizational leaders, such as hallway exchanges, elevator rides, or other spontaneous encounters. By becoming skilled at strategic small talk and maximizing unstructured leadership access, one can accelerate professional growth and gain knowledge.

During this 90-minute session, participants learn how to construct and deliver concise yet impactful dialogues that leave a positive impression, build strong mentor relationships, provide valuable insights into organizational priorities, generate fruitful referral and partnership opportunities, and enhance workplace connectivity and social capital. Being prepared helps to seize the moments that truly matter.


This session trains the team to prepare for and execute meaningful conversations with senior leadership, coaching them on:

  • Defining intent – Identify the outcome they hope to achieve from the interaction (e.g., valuable insight, professional development advice, project feedback, etc.).
  • Demonstrated engagement – Show genuine interest by asking thoughtful questions and listening actively.
  • Being relevant – Frame questions and messages aligned to leader priorities.
  • Engaging with energy – Convey enthusiasm for their role and organization.
  • Leaving with a conversation button – Summarizing key takeaways from the exchange.



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