Snapshot Storytelling

Getting To The Heart of The Matter in Moments

If you cannot communicate your vision to someone in five minutes or less and get a reaction that signifies both understanding and interest, you are not positioning yourself for success. The first step to delivering a successful message to clients and colleagues is to discover and connect with the irreducible core meaning of what you’re trying to say. And then share what is essential in real (not right) language so your audience can quickly “get it.” Taking the time to develop a meaningful headline establishes focus, anchors understanding, boosts recall, and cues receptive interpretation.


This session helps the team reveal what is essential about their message in a clear, concise, and captivating way, coaching them to create headlines that:

  • Orients the audience: A good headline acts as a navigational compass for your audience, guiding them to the core of your message and building engagement through relevance.
  • Anchor the key message: A clear headline creates a fixed reference point in your audience’s mind, helping to tether information and insights around a central theme.
  • Ensures recall: With creative crafting, headlines can stick in your audience’s memory, providing an efficient cue for long-term recall and sharing key takeaways.
  • Frames the conversation: Strong headlines can shape and influence your audience’s interpretive lens, priming them for either more open or critical assessments of the message presented.



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