The Confident Presenter

Delivering Powerful Presentations

This learning experience will provide the team with the necessary skills and techniques in the Actor’s Tool Kit to deliver engaging and impactful presentations. The team will learn various strategies to capture the audience’s attention, speak with confidence and authenticity, organize their content effectively, and handle question-and-answer sessions smoothly. As a result of this session, the team will be able to conduct more productive meetings, deliver successful pitches, and share knowledge effectively across the organization.


Following the session, the team will be able to...

  • Grab the audience’s attention with an impactful opening and closing.
  • Organize content logically to ensure a smooth flow of information.
  • Use vocal techniques to deliver confident and engaging presentations.
  • Employ physical presence and gesture to connect with audiences.
  • "Pass the bato"” smoothly between presenters through synchronized energy, passion, and narrative development.
  • Manage Q&A sessions by actively listening, interpreting questions, and providing concise responses.

What it could look like

Here is a suggested agenda for this session. It can be customized to align with the team’s specific needs including learning outcomes, session duration, and job scenarios to ensure effectiveness.

Setting the Stage

45 minutes

The session will start with a warm-up and focus exercise, for example:

Vocal Gymnastics Introductions

The team introduces themselves multiple times using different vocal techniques while observers provide feedback.

Building the Tool Kit

90 minutes

Next, the team will learn through interactive activities that focus on these specific skills aligned to on-the-job situations.

  • Sounding your best
  • Commanding the space
  • Grabbing the audience’s attention at the top
  • Creating the right flow of information
  • Leaving the audience with something memorable
  • Presenting as a fluid team
  • Staying in the moment, even when it gets uncomfortable
Putting into Practice

75 minutes

Then the team will show their work.

Presentation Rehearsal

The team will share their job-related presentations with the group and receive coaching from the Alliance@work facilitator.

Moving Forward

15 minutes

The session ends with time to reflect on what has been learned.

Our Implementation Plan

The team will identify strategies to apply what they’ve learned to their job-specific goals.



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