Your Leadership Story

Revealing what Shaped You

This learning session is focused on teaching leaders how to create and leverage an executive leadership story. Participants will craft a leadership story that shares highlights of their journey, failures/vulnerabilities, vision, values, and purpose. The primary goal is to develop an adaptable narrative that can be shared to inspire teams and nurture deeper team connections. The session explores the appropriate times and contexts to share ‘the story behind the leader’, including onboarding, during change/uncertainty, launching strategy, realigning culture, celebrating wins, admitting missteps, and more.


Following the session, the team will be able to...

  • Identify what stories to tell for a specific audience and specific purpose.
  • Create well-constructed and meaningful stories that create an emotional connection with the audience.
  • Adapt their leadership story and delivery based on the situation and shifting communication goal.
  • Remain open, relaxed, and connected when telling personal stories.

What it could look like

Here is a suggested agenda for this session. It can be customized to align with the team’s specific needs including learning outcomes, session duration, and job scenarios to ensure effectiveness.

Setting the Stage

45 minutes

The session will start with a warm-up and focus exercise, for example:

Interview and Introduce through Story

The team introduces themselves multiple times using different vocal techniques while observers provide feedback.

Building the Tool Kit

90 minutes

Next, the team will learn through interactive activities that focus on these specific skills aligned to on-the-job situations.

  • Balancing self-awareness with presence and connection to others
  • Getting comfortable with discomfort
  • Finding the right strategic story
  • Storytelling fundamentals
  • Adapting my story to meet the needs of my audience
  • Shifting performance to connected conversations
Putting into Practice

75 minutes

Then the team will show their work.

Leadership Story Pair and Share

The team will work in pairs to rehearse their leadership story, followed by sharing it with the full group and receiving coaching from the Alliance@work facilitator.

Moving Forward

15 minutes

The session ends with time to reflect on what has been learned.

Our Implementation Plan

The team will identify strategies to apply what they’ve learned to their job-specific goals.



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